Friday, February 15, 2013

Dry Shampoo? Really??

A few weeks ago, after listening to my complaints about an arduous hair care routine , a co-worker suggested dry shampooing as an alternative.

To which I replied: A what now?

(Said co-worker is now an ex. We got a memo one day simply saying xxx is no longer employed here... Mysterious!)

In light of not having anything exciting to do for valentines day, I decided to venture into the Sephora store at Pacific Centre to hunt down this supposed miracle of a product.

What i ended up with is the Cake Satin Sugar Dry Shampoo powder  (chose this over an aerosol spray...go green!)

- $ 18 later the verdict is that...I love it!

Never mind that some people say it's glorified talcum powder, this stuff smells nice! And if there is the remote chance of it saving me an extra 30 minutes of sleep every other morning, it is $18 well spent!

What I still find funny is that something like this actually exists.

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